This is Us: Our Healing Trauma Together Community

How to Heal Painful Trauma and Finally Live the Shame Free Life You Deserve

The Invitation of Your Life

Your invitation has finally arrived! I created this membership community as a way to invite you to make peace with your past and develop the close, loving relationships your traumas have stolen from you. There are no accidents. 

Welcome home, dear one. 

Our society has a tremendous problem. It doesn't value women. The evidence is everywhere around us:

  • sexual assault
  • sexual harassment
  • molestation
  • emotional abuse
  • physical abuse
  • human trafficking
  • domestic violence
  • parents with addictions or mental health issues
  • neglect
  • bullying

If none of these have happened to you, this program is not for you. If they have, please don't run...or if you need to, let us run with you.

Do you question whether you've experienced trauma? A general rule of thumb, if you feel traumatized because of a painful event(s) (like car accidents), you also belong. We make space for all women in need of healing.

What is the Impact of Trauma?

  • toxic beliefs about ourselves and others
  • self-sabotage
  • imposter syndrome
  • addictions
  • chronic pain
  • depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress
  • medical and mental disorders
  • feeling empty, ashamed, numb, and alone
  • relationship strife (partners, children, extended family, friends, peers, co-workers, leadership)
  • moral injury - questioning your place in the world
  • impossible to list everything...

If none of these are issues for you, then this program is not for you. 

If you are in the right place, then please keep reading for solutions to your suffering.

Are There Really Solutions?

Yes. It is called HOPE. I want to teach you how to instill HOPE deeply in your mind, body, and soul. 


In our coaching calls together, we will address the areas of your life trauma affects in 20 minute bite-size segments. Also, using self-discovery exercises  increase your self-compassion skills and help you feel safe. 

Why Karen and Why This Program?

I am a Transformation Coach, with a master's degree in clinical social work, and am a trauma recovery expert. My credentials, combined with my personal recovery from childhood abuse, makes me empathetic to your suffering. My program is forward thinking with regards to trauma healing. I am committed to helping you explore your trauma wounds and healing them.

Solutions you can expect

  • accept and manage your emotions more effectively
  • develop clear and concise communication skills
  • create healthy thinking patterns
  • practise holistic coping mechanisms
  • prioritize your self-care
  • heal moral injuries about your place in the world
  • much more!

All Of Our Stories Matter

Your Story

You are a woman, perhaps a mother. You sacrificed yourself your whole life. Maybe you are an entrepreneur, a career woman, or someone who simply works her ass off. Regardless of whether you have children, what you do for work, or if you self-medicate or not, you are a success with your work tasks. You know how to get shit done. You don't shy away from hard work. It is your superpower. This community is for you. This community is you. It is your safe place to be with other women to take action towards your healing. 

My Story 

I grew up in a dysfunctional, misogynistic, abusive home. My beginnings led me to a path of self-discovery and to a degree in clinical social work. Twenty-four years of experience later...I can offer authentic, holistic-services because of my personal experience and professional expertise in the trauma recovery field. 

Holistic Trauma Recovery Program 

Healing your trauma wounds may seem complicated to you. You have likely heard, “forget about it, it’s in the past.” If it was easy, you would have done that already! You need to have an empowering trauma recovery plan in place. This is something I can help you with. I walk beside you, and guide you, step-by-step, through your journey with a community of other women who "get it." 

You don't have to deal with your traumas alone anymore. 



 I stay up-to-date on current trauma research and groundbreaking treatments and implement them into your healing program. In order to tackle recovery, we need a community striving for a common goal.  

Never has there been a virtual membership for women, by women, expanding the globe working on trauma recovery together. This forward thinking approach works because I compress my trainings into actionable segments of just 20 minutes a day. 

You'll see results in as little as 90 days! 

Imagine making your dreams of healing your trauma wounds into a reality. In just 20 minutes a day, your dream becomes your reality.

 When you commit to yourself, do the bite-size assignments, your anxiety and depression will SIGNIFICANTLY reduce.

What Are Membership Benefits?

Community Support (Forums)

You will be a part of an open forum discussion with other women to ask questions and get support. I recommend participating five to seven times a week to foster your sense of community and connection. This will help you to not feel alone.

Bite-Size Learning 

Monthly themed workbook for documenting your recovery throughout the program. Your workbook can serve as a place to reflect on your thoughts and action steps. Small steps can lead to big wins. 

Action Plans 

Each month during our coaching calls, you will get help with:

  • actionable goal setting
  • accountability
  • developing cognitive & behavioral habits
  • building confidence skills 

These actionable steps will help you achieve your healing and recovery goals.

Self-discovery Exercises 

These exercises complement each month's theme. They will encourage you to dig deeper while also practicing self-compassion. 

These help you:

  •  develop greater self-awareness
  •  visualize your dreams
  •  practice healthier living 

I designed these exercises for you to work at your own pace.  

Tailored Affirmations 

I am a wordsmith at creating short, effective affirmations that really work. I will teach you how to use them effectively, and provide other helpful tips. They will help you identify what you WANT to believe about yourself, ground you, and will turn you into a badass woman.

Group Coaching Calls (Zoom)

Two live calls are held each month (I strongly encourage you attend at least one of them). There is tremendous value in participating on these calls. Any teachings I do during the call will be recorded. I will not record personal conversations as we take your privacy seriously.

Welcome to the Coaching Guide 

Your guide comes with habit trackers, calendars, a self-care planner and much more...

And the best part is...        

You will leave your shame and low self-worth beliefs behind!


Q: Who is this for?

 A: Any woman affected by abuse or trauma is welcome to join us.

Q: Who is Karen, and why should I trust her?

A: Great question! My credentials in a nutshell. I earned both my Bachelor's & Master's Degrees in Social Work at the University of Maine. I have specialized trauma recovery training and ran recovery groups for women in Washington, D.C., at a community mental health center and at a women's shelter. I am trained in trauma treatment modalities that include EMDR, ART (level 1), PE, CBT-T, CPT, DBT, ACT, and more. I am also certified at the highest level to work with complex trauma survivors (CCTP-II).

Q: I think, "I am damaged goods." It is too late for me to get help, right?

A: Wrong! You may have bumps, bruises, and internal bleeding, but your imperfections and scars make you unique. You will learn how to clean your wounds in a safe community and stitch up your battle scars. 

Q: Does this program replace traditional therapy?

A: NO! I'm a big believer in individual therapy. If you don't have a trauma competent therapist, please reach out to me for help in finding one. 

Q: If I sign up now at $97/month, when does it end?

A: My program is indefinite and will continue to develop over the months to come. New research about trauma is published regularly.

Q: What if I am unavailable during the coaching calls?

A: I offer multiple times and dates each month.

Q: What if I get behind?

A: You can't get behind. You work at a pace that is a comfortable stretch for you.

Q: How much time do I need to spend completing my assignments?

A: For maximum benefit, I recommend 20 minutes daily in any one aspect of your program. One day, watch a recorded seminar; write in your workbook, or journal. The choice is yours. Bite size nuggets work.

Q: Other questions?

A: Email me your questions at: [email protected]

New Bonus!!!! Free membership to Dream Club! 

Dream club comes with a dripped video, short workbook, and recommended reading each month for those of you ready to create joy for your future!

To Recap

This is the first of its kind; a global membership for women recovering from abuse and trauma. I have personal experience and professional expertise in trauma and trauma recovery. 

I want to offer women a safe community forum to share and learn together. You will receive coaching, and learn more about the effect trauma has on the lives of women across the globe. I also embrace diversity in our sisterhood community. Everything is structured in easy steps that build upon each other so you can experience your results for a lifetime.

Small wins every day produce better results when new habits are developed and executed. Nothing is going to change unless you take that first action step. 

Karen Robinson, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, CCTP-II

Transformation Coach

Founder & CEO

Heal Thrive Dream, LLC

Get In Today For Only $97month 

About Us

Heal Thrive Dream, LLC was created with the career woman recovering from trauma in mind. We believe professional women are so busy with their careers and raising children, there is little time or energy left to consider their own needs. This leads to frustration, fatigue, and burnout. We want this to be a community where you can turn to for support, healing, coaching, networking, and inspiration. We want to plant seeds of hope in you so that you can not only thrive, but to dream, too.